This picture was taken during the aftermath of typhoon Sendong.
And the picture best describes what I felt during that time.
I want to move on. I decided to put all my thoughts into words and then move on.
Yes, I felt depressed of my situation that time. I felt shattered. I lost all my precious
things - my cd collections, my books (!), my love letters, souvenirs; all my important ( and i really mean IMPORTANT!! T0T)documents were still there but covered with thick mud and well, my clothes. They were destroyed, in a way.
But the best thing that I should appreciate much is that my family is safe.
I was in our culture center when that disaster happened. I received a phone call from
my mother telling me that our house was gone, our dog - dead, and well,
all of them are on top of the roof..
I felt hopeless because I could not do anything for them except to chant.
I just waited until early morning the next day and rushed my way home.
There in our place, I witnessed the horrible effects of the typhoon.
Seeing unidentified dead bodies just across the street really really
broke my heart.
And I cried and hugged my family when I saw them.
It was really a heartbreaking situation.
Nevertheless, we survived.
I appreciate all my relatives, friends, friends' friends,
for all the support.
Even text messages were enough to console us.
I lost direction of my life.
I lost track of my goal.
But I did not lose hope.
Now it's time to move on.
This time is really for REAL.